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Short videos
Where to find the best UVB lamps for reptiles
What is an ‘exotic’ animal?
Crested geckos saved from extinction | with Rob Pilley from Rob's Wild Adventures
Do reptiles make good pets?
Ten tips to prevent reptile obesity | with Dillon Perron from Animals at Home
WHITELISTS & POSITIVE LISTS | How government will ban reptile keeping
Exposed | The truth behind the 75% reptile mortality myth
Real-life stories
Positive lists and whitelists: they want to ban your pets
What reptiles mean to me | Part 2
What reptiles mean to me | Part 1
How Spanish CITES officials abused their power to push an animal-rights agenda
How old is your reptile?
Can you catch salmonella from reptiles?
What's the most important part of getting a new reptile?
Reptile whitelists haven't worked in Norway
Reptile keepers are under attack!
Slimy, Horrible Creatures | A documentary about reptile laws
Ball pythons banned – worse to come