RRK is a worldwide membership organisation that aims to promote, support and protect responsible reptile keeping.
We broadcast free digital and printed media content that advocates effective husbandry and high welfare standards.
We also seek to oppose and refute those who aim to curtail responsible keeping through their use of misinformation and bias.
Responsible Reptile Keeping helps reptiles, keepers and businesses live better.
Short videos
Where to find the best UVB lamps for reptiles
What is an ‘exotic’ animal?
Crested geckos saved from extinction | with Rob Pilley from Rob's Wild Adventures
Do reptiles make good pets?
Ten tips to prevent reptile obesity | With Dillon Perron from Animals at Home
WHITELISTS & POSITIVE LISTS | How government will ban reptile keeping
Exposed | The truth behind the 75% reptile mortality myth
Real-life stories
Working with the misunderstood
Positive lists and whitelists: they want to ban your pets
What reptiles mean to me | Part 2
What reptiles mean to me | Part 1
How Spanish CITES officials abused their power to push an animal-rights agenda
How old is your reptile?
Can you catch salmonella from reptiles?
What's the most important part of getting a new reptile?
Reptile whitelists haven't worked in Norway
Reptile keepers are under attack!
Slimy, Horrible Creatures | A documentary about reptile laws
Ball pythons banned – worse to come
See all
The last reptile keepers? – positive lists don't work
Will your children be allowed to keep reptiles? Animal rights campaigners claim positive lists are the best way to address many different issues. So what is a positive list?
Bad science and shady politics
Documents acquired by Dutch animal specialists reveal the Dutch Government ignored experts and manipulated science to push its positive list for pets. Animal welfare group Stichting Animalia exposes the political agenda disguised behind this woeful policy.
2024 is done, and we’ve been busy.
Here’s how we’ve made a difference…
Francis Cosquieri has long been a passionate admirer of Clifford’s diadem snakes (Spalerosophis diadema cliffordii). We catch up with Francis to get the big picture on these little known and often under-appreciated animals.
The Keeper
The Keeper
The Keeper

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By becoming a member you’ll be helping to promote and protect responsible reptile keeping.