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Each month we launch a new video discussing the hot topics in reptile keeping around the world.

Lizards, All Vickie Wigley Lizards, All Vickie Wigley

Positive lists and whitelists: they want to ban your pets

This is a presentation by Eurogroup for Animals. Their campaign aims to ban the ownership of thousands of pet animals by imposing a European-wide positive list.

It was delivered to the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals, a platform for MEPs to discuss animal-related activities in the European Parliament.

In this video, RRK's Tony Wigley corrects the disinformation and propaganda this presenter uses to promote reptile-keeping bans and positive lists.

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Lizards, All Vickie Wigley Lizards, All Vickie Wigley

Where to find the best UVB lamps for reptiles

When shopping for reptile products you can often find bargains online, but it’s only a bargain if you get what you need.

While cheap deals might be tempting, unreliable products can harm your wallet and your reptiles. We strongly recommend purchasing from trusted, experienced sellers who offer quality products and reliable advice. For new and novice keepers, spending a bit more on reputable brands ensures your reptile's health and safety

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Lizards, All Vickie Wigley Lizards, All Vickie Wigley

How Spanish CITES officials abused their power to push an animal-rights agenda

How Spanish CITES officials abused their power to push an animal-rights agenda

For 40 years, a team of respected Spanish parrot breeders have worked with Spanish CITES officials and operated within the law.

Then, in January 2022, a new CITES team was formed. Armed with an animal-rights agenda, they undertook a series of raids on animal keepers across mainland Spain and the Canary Islands, seizing hundreds of animals.

Many of these animals subsequently died, including valuable specimens and endangered species.

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Lizards, All Vickie Wigley Lizards, All Vickie Wigley

How old is your reptile?

How old is your reptile?

Could it be true that 75% of reptile pets die in their first year? No, we didn’t think so either.

That’s why we interviewed reptile keepers from around the UK to discover the age of their oldest reptile. And everyone we spoke to told us about healthy, long-lived animals.

Okay, so this wasn’t a scientific study. But the responses certainly reflect the scientific literature, because there is plenty of research from credible sources to totally debunk the 75% myth.

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Lizards, All Vickie Wigley Lizards, All Vickie Wigley

Can you catch salmonella from reptiles?

Can you catch salmonella from reptiles?

It’s long been believed that all reptiles carry salmonella.

However, an increasing body of evidence suggests salmonella isn’t as prevalent as previously thought. Veterinarian and pathology laboratory tests reveal that few reptiles present with salmonella infections.

We spoke to keepers attending a UK reptile show and we didn’t find anyone who had caught salmonella from reptiles.

Of course, catching salmonella from reptiles is possible, so good hygiene is always recommended. But it appears the risk of catching it from your companion reptile is highly unlikely.

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Lizards, All Vickie Wigley Lizards, All Vickie Wigley

What is an ‘exotic’ animal?

It shouldn’t matter whether your pet is considered exotic, but depending on where you live it could make a big difference. In some countries and provinces, exotic animals are banned. And, depending on which definition of ‘exotic’ is being used, it could mean that commonly kept pet species are considered illegal without good reason.

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Lizards, All Vickie Wigley Lizards, All Vickie Wigley

Reptile whitelists haven't worked in Norway

Norway had a complete ban on keeping reptiles between 1977 and 2017, but many people simply ignored it.

Then, in 2017 the Norwegian Government imposed a short whitelist of approved reptile species. We spoke to Svein Fosså of NZB to find out how the whitelist is working out in Norway.

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Lizards, All Vickie Wigley Lizards, All Vickie Wigley

Reptile keepers are under attack!

Animal rights campaigners traditionally attack reptile keeping in one of three ways.

But they have begun to use a new weapon that's even more dangerous and could ban the keeping of all but a few species of reptiles.

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