in review
Here’s how we’ve made a difference
Setting the record straight
Standing up for responsible keepers
Advising governments
International collaboration
Spreading the word
Building a community
Attended the UK Government’s CITES Sustainable Users’ Group meeting
CSUG is a UK Government working group that meets with stakeholders and industry representatives to discuss the sustainable use of species covered by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
Video launch – celebrating reptile keepers’ pioneering work
Crested geckos were once thought to be extinct. But in 1994, herpetologists visiting New Caledonia rediscovered the geckos and imported a handful back to the USA. There, these geckos were bred by talented reptile keepers. Today, crested geckos are one of the most popular reptile pet species in the world and are likely safe from extinction as a result. This is just one example of the pioneering work being done by passionate private keepers. That’s why we wanted to highlight and celebrate these achievements.
Video launch – refuting damaging propaganda about reptile mortality
RATEL is the journal published by the Association of British and Irish Wild Animal Keepers (ABWAK), an organisation we would routinely support. However, an article in RATEL made several erroneous claims about reptile keeping and mortality, citing rhetoric and flawed data from animal rights campaigners. We were pleased when ABWAK agreed to correct the errors. RRK is committed to challenging and correcting misinformation and propaganda.
Video launch – the difference between animal rights vs animal welfare
Many people misunderstand these terms and use them interchangeably. However, it is important to discern the difference between the two. Animal welfare, in a nutshell, is all about ensuring our animals do well under our care, whereas animal rights ideologies aim to end all interactions between humans and animals. As animal keepers, it is vital we fight to support animal welfare and denounce animal rights propaganda.
Visited new RRK supporters
Building relationships and working with stakeholders is a vital part of our work, so it was wonderful to meet with RRK supporters Zoo Med, The Bio Dude, Maximum Reptiles, Pangea and Josh’s Frogs. Our work is only possible because of funding from RRK keeper members, stores, educational experiences and brands, and we sincerely thank you all for your encouragement and support.
Video launch - refuting Born Free’s propaganda
Propaganda is the manipulation of information and data to present a distorted interpretation, with the intention of misleading an audience. Born Free and other animal rights campaigners routinely use propaganda in their campaigns to influence people against reptile and exotic pet keeping. It’s our mission to set the record straight and that’s exactly what we do in this video.
Tony appears on the DGHT podcast in Germany
DGHT is the largest and most influential reptile keepers’ society in Europe, and possibly, the world. It was an honour to be invited onto their podcast to discuss the issues facing reptile and amphibian keepers and the work we do to support responsible keepers and breeders.
Tony presents at the NZB conference in Norway
RRK’s strapline is, Together we can make a difference, and we strongly believe that collaboration with like-minded individuals and organisations is vital. NZB is Norway’s pet trade advocacy organisation, chaired by Svein Fosså, who is also the president of the European Pet Organisation. It was a privilege to be invited to speak at the NZB conference in Oslo, enabling us to connect with many new Scandinavian supporters and collaborators.
Tony presents at the Advancing Herpetological Husbandry conference
The Advancing Herpetological Husbandry group on Facebook does exactly what it says on the tin and has successfully brought advanced reptile husbandry protocols to mainstream consciousness. It was unfortunate that their conference coincided with our presentation in Norway, but that didn’t stop us. As a digital media organisation, we were able to prepare a video presentation which sparked a passionate debate about reptile advocacy and animal rights campaigning.
Video launch – Reptile keepers under attack
The AHH digital presentation was later released via our social media channels. The video outlined the challenges the reptile community faces from animal rights campaigners and the work being done to support and protect responsible keepers and businesses. It went on to become the most popular content we have produced to date.
Tony appears on That Wolfie Royals Podcast
Our opponents have had control of the narrative for decades. They have been able to say what they like about reptile keepers and businesses, often using misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and lies to influence people. Even people within our community have been misled and often quote the rhetoric they heard from animal rights campaigns as if it were fact. RRK’s communication and outreach campaign is working to set the record straight, starting with our people. Podcasts such as Woolfie’s help us reach those who advocate for responsible keeping and breeding, and they, in turn, will spread the word to their friends and associates. Slowly but surely, responsible keepers are taking control of the narrative.
Video launch – positive-list disaster in Norway
Positive lists, often known as whitelists, are the holy grail of animal rights campaigners who propose such lists to government legislators as the panacea to a multitude of issues. However, rather than providing a solution, positive lists actually cause poor welfare and encourage illegal wildlife trade. The situation in Norway should act as a warning to us all, because reptile bans and positive lists have wreaked havoc.
RRK joins the board of the Reptile and Exotic Pet Trade Association
The Reptile and Exotic Pet Trade Association (REPTA) has represented the interests of the UK reptile industry for decades. RRK is honoured to have been given a place on the REPTA board.
Tony attends the International Pet Advocacy Council summit
As the largest pet trade expo in the world, Interzoo in Nuremberg, Germany, is the ideal venue for pet advocacy organisations from around the world to gather. We met with delegates from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Europe, China and the UK, to discuss the challenges our trade faces from campaigning groups and to share best-practice guidelines.
RRK supporters raise funds by walking the Welsh Three Peaks
Everyone involved at RRK works tirelessly to support responsible reptile keepers and businesses, though our biggest constraint is, of course, funding. So, we’re always thankful and humbled when supporters believe in us enough to give up their time to raise funds for the RRK cause. We’d like to say a massive thank you to the handful of crazy people who walked the Welsh Three Peaks in aid of RRK. Well done, team!
ZOORF interviews Tony for their webinar
Making connections at IPAC earlier in the month bore fruit when Tony was invited to participate in a webinar organised by Swedish pet advocacy organisation, ZOORF. Our networking and outreach reinforce our belief that, regardless of where we are situated or what animals we keep, the issues we face are the same. It’s vital we unite and work together. Thank you to everyone at ZOORF for inviting us to participate and thank you for your continued support and encouragement.
EU Commission’s illegal wildlife consultation
While illegal trade in the pet sector does exist, it’s a tiny issue when viewed in context. While the purported $23 billion illegal wildlife trade is apparently fourth in size only behind the illegal trade in drugs, weapons and people, most of this trade is timber, plants, animal derivatives, bushmeat and traditional medicines. The number of live animals traded illegally is a tiny fraction, and mainly concentrated in Asia, rather than the established European and American markets. Still, this doesn’t stop our opponents from weaponizing the headline figure to push for animal-keeping bans. That’s why we were pleased to be invited to the EU Commission’s stakeholder consultation interview, where we had the chance to set the record straight.
Tony presents at the Federation Fauna conference in Spain
Spain is a hotbed for animal rights campaigners, as you’ll see from the entry later in this article. We were privileged to present to the Federation Fauna conference delegates in Spain, featuring representatives from advocacy organisations around the world, and representing many different taxa. Again, it has become clear that a united effort is essential if we are to successfully advocate for responsible pet keeping and the multitude of benefits this brings.
British Veterinary Association positive lists article
While you would expect an organisation reliant on pet keepers to be in favour of pet keeping, you might be surprised to hear that the British Veterinary Association is in favour of positive lists. It’s also interesting that over 80% of BVA vets surveyed believe reptiles are poorly kept – a bewildering statement considering most vets have little or no significant training or experience when it comes to reptile husbandry. Still, it was encouraging to be invited to comment in an article about positive lists published in the Vet Record, the BVA’s journal. Alongside the rhetorical, ideology-fuelled narrative from animal rights campaigners, our comments added a favourable, evidence-based balance.
International Herpetological Society show interviews
The IHS show is a herpetological highlight, attracting keepers and breeders from around the globe. RRK took the opportunity to interview a selection of attendees and ask questions about some of the reptile-keeping myths. More on this later.
Non-Native Species Stakeholder Forum
Each year, the UK Government holds a stakeholder forum as part of its efforts to tackle the spread of non-native and invasive species. It’s reassuring to know the pet-keeping pathway is a small concern when it comes to the issue of invasive species, and encouraging that the UK reptile trade continues to self-regulate to mitigate any potential risks. Again, reptile keepers and businesses deserve a pat on the back.
Tony appears on the ReptiChat Podcast
ReptiChat host Benn McIntyre has been a passionate RRK member and supporter for a while, so we were looking forward to chatting with him and his audience during the podcast. These opportunities to interact with keepers are really important to ensure the right information gets out into the public domain. Most keepers focus on keeping and enjoying their animals, as well they should, and they should not be expected to keep up with all the political campaigning and misinformation being used against them. That’s our job. These podcasts enable us to give keepers the information and tools they need to shut down the misinformation and lies that appear online.
Video launch – vox pop interviews
Remember the interviews we did at the IHS reptile show? In July we began to release them, focusing on dispelling some of the most common myths peddled by those who would like to see reptile keeping banned. From these interviews, it became clear that most keepers are keen to research how to keep their animals and improve their husbandry knowledge, they understand how to easily avoid zoonotic diseases, and they care about and love their animals just as much as dog- and cat-owners do. These interviews were an absolute joy to do, and we’ll certainly do more in the future.
Video launch – What is an exotic pet?
What do you think of when someone mentions an exotic animal? Our opponents will often lump commonly kept pets such as reptiles in with primates, big cats and other rarely kept animals. The aim is to convince people that keeping exotic pets is dangerous, cruel or likely to cause the next global pandemic. Upon investigation, it is clear these claims are ridiculous, but this is how our opponents mislead legislators into creating overreaching laws that deny people the right to keep pet reptile species. It’s not fair and this video reveals the truth behind such deceptive claims.
Video launch – exposing Spain’s illegal CITES seizures
As mentioned earlier, Spain has recently seen a worrying trend for unfair legislation aiming to enforce the animal rights agenda held by some of those in government. In addition to ridiculous reptile-keeping bans and proposed positive lists, many keepers and breeders have been raided and had their animals seized. This video focuses on just one of the facilities raided, where the owners of the seized animals took the issue to court – and won! The video acts as a warning to those in power that animal keepers will not be bullied.
PRAS Junior Herpetologist Awards
RRK’s fight to protect and support responsible reptile keepers becomes all the more poignant when viewed from the perspective of youth. That’s why we were proud to be invited to judge at the Portsmouth Reptile and Amphibian Society Junior Herpetologist Awards ceremony. We were impressed with the presentations from everyone who entered, and especially those who won prizes. It seems our herpetological future is in safe hands.
Video launch – bogus reptile products
Everyone loves a bargain, right? But what if that bargain made your reptile sick or caused serious harm? Well, this is happening hundreds of times each day to unsuspecting people who buy reptile equipment from unreliable online sources. Our video explains how consumers can avoid being scammed by purchasing known and trusted brands from people who are passionate about reptiles. This might be a reputable breeder, a pet store with knowledgeable and experienced staff, or an online supplier that is a reptile specialist.
Tony presents at the Canadian Reptile Breeders’ Expo
RRK’s international exposure continued with a presentation at the Canadian Reptile Breeders’ Expo. Like Spain, Canada is beset with regulations that unfairly curtail the work being done by private keepers, breeders and businesses. RRK hopes to collaborate with CanHerp, the advocacy organisation working to educate and advise Canadian legislators.
Tony visits Hagen/Exo Terra HQ
Our trip to Canada would not be complete without a visit to the impressive headquarters of Exo Terra’s parent company, Hagen. Again, it’s important to note that our work is only possible thanks to the generous funding provided by our supporters, so whether you are a reptile keeper, breeder, store, educational experience, wholesaler or a reptile product brand – we thank you!
RRK appears in Pet Scandinavia magazine
Following on from our appearance in Norway, we were delighted to appear in Pet Scandinavia magazine, which is spreading the word about the RRK mission.
RRK attends CITES Sustainable Users’ Group meeting
It is so important to stay up to date with CITES proceedings and contribute to the discussion whenever necessary. As Phil Goss from USARK rightly says, legislation is influenced by those who show up. A lot goes on behind the scenes, and not all proceedings can be broadcast or publicised. But rest assured, when reptiles are being discussed, we’ve got your back.
RRK attends REPTA board meeting
Self-regulation is an important tool in the fight against overreaching legislation. Governments will often adopt a hands-off regulatory approach when industry is seen to keep its own house in order, not least because it is cheaper and easier to do it this way. This is why REPTA recently focused on producing a series of advisory guidelines for their members on topics such as deleterious genes and the sale of large species. We’re proud to be part of this process alongside some of the most respected and influential people in the UK herp community.
Tattooist raises funds for the cause
When RRK supporter Beth Hughes told us she was going to raise funds by tattooing people, we didn’t know what to expect, but we knew it would be awesome. We weren’t wrong. Beth spent two days tattooing clients before donating the proceeds to RRK. We can’t help thinking there must be someone out there who wants an RRK tattoo!
RRK attends the NARBC show at Tinley
Tinley is probably the most important reptile show of the year, anywhere in the world, which is why we endeavour to attend every year. Although RRK is a relatively young organisation, we seem to be making a bigger splash each year as more and more people recognise us and support our mission. The plan for 2025 is for RRK to have a stand at the October Tinley show.
CASC consultation
The Companion Animals Sector Council is a government advisory group which discusses welfare and legislation pertaining to companion animals, except dogs, cats and horses. Once again, much of what’s being discussed can’t be publicised until the group has agreed on its final position, but rest assured, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes with stakeholders from each animal taxa providing informed, evidence-based expertise.
RRK publishes The Keeper magazine
It’s important for RRK to publish content in as many formats as possible, because not everyone wants to consume video or podcast content. While print media is generally in decline, there is an important cohort of connoisseurs who still appreciate the printed word. And given that the founders of RRK are former magazine journalists and publishers, we’re still fond of magazines too. This edition includes articles about chytrid (a deadly amphibian fungus), a debate on keeping venomous reptiles, field trips, rarely kept species, and herp-related news from around the world. Sign up to receive your free copy here.
Tony appears on Down in the Substrate podcast
This was probably the most candid and revealing interview Tony has delivered, covering topics outside his work with reptiles and the exotic pet-keeping community. Tyler and Andrew certainly dug deep into the topics and made this an enormously enjoyable discussion.
RRK launches the EU Positive List Consultation campaign, compelling keepers to engage with the EU Commission’s survey.
Responsible Herpetoculture Journal’s article
European reptile keeping faces specific legislative challenges, so it’s good to see advocates from all over Europe working together to display a united front. The Responsible Herpetoculture Foundation comprises specialists and advocates from many different countries and their journal contains a wealth of information reptile keepers will find interesting. RRK was asked to produce an article about the work we do to protect and support responsible reptile keeping around the world.
RRK joins the board of The Pet Charity
The most important message we hope to press home to all animal keepers is, that no matter where you live and or what kind of animals you keep, the challenges we face are the same. That’s why we’re super proud to be invited to work with The Pet Charity, a multi-taxa advocacy organisation that aims to spread awareness about the benefits of pet ownership, increase pet welfare through education and research, and run projects that directly address welfare needs. We’re looking forward to bringing our communications and media expertise to the table.
All of this was made possible thanks to our members and supporters.
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